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This is, absolutely, the best quiz EVER!

I've taken dozens! per dozens of the Sortinh Hats quizes over the years, including retaking the pottermore quiz, and nothing is as amazing as this one by far!

I've always been torn between Ravenclaw and Slytherin, but the quizes' results had always given me Gryffindor which bummed me out ; I've never really thought to ever liked or fit in in that house and the only trait that I might have is my bluntness. But overtime, with ever quizes coming out Gryff, I doubted myself, maybe I AM a Gryff afterall, it was possible that I might be biased from disliking Gryffs in the series (the books and movies). But this quiz was just what I needed, also apparently free therapy, this is magical mind healing!

Turned out, I'm a Burned Slytherin Primary - Burned Slytherin Secondary and Ravenclaw Primary Model ! I had trouble with Primary, seeing as I have a model as well as burned. But the secondary was truely, me! All the descriptions fit me like missing puzzle pieces and it felt as though I had finally found the words to describe me at long last. Genuiently adore this quiz!

I got Slytherin Primary, Gryffindor Secondary and Hufflepuff Primary Model. I think I am... content. And I did get close to Burnt Houses a lot - rather concerning but I guess that only gives me more ammunition to take care of myself and what should be changed in my life. Pottermore had been a mix of Gryffindor (1), Ravenclaw (3) and Slytherin (2) and the Sorting Hat Chats just in general gives me a more clear idea about whys and hows, I think it's brilliant :)

I got Burned Gryffindor Primary and Hufflepuff Secondary, with a Hufflepuff Primary Model. Its refreshing to see this as an answer as my Pottermore quiz results were always Ravenclaw, but I litterly always felt like I was more of a Hufflepuff.

I got Gryffindor Primary and Burned Hufflepuff Secondary.  I always thought I was a Ravenclaw, and lately I had been wondering whether I was a Hufflepuff or not. But this makes much more sense. I think your secondary house would be more adequate as a "real life" house since the HOW you do things is quite important within a community and in your everyday life. I see the primary house more as an internal compass or the introverted functions we have.

I'm a Slytherin Primary and Ravenclaw Secondary with a Hufflepuff Primary model.

I really liked my results, I've always felt like a SlytherClaw anyway and this just helped me out a bit with myself. Though I almost got burned Hufflepuff primary and burned Ravenclaw secondary... which worries me a bit.

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I'm a Gryffindor Primary and a Ravenclaw Secondary, so which one should I choose?? (Before the test, I was torn between the two lolol.) My friend got two Slytherins, she didn't have to struggle. I envied her.🙄

Tbh I think your secondary house would be more adequate as a "real life" house since the HOW you do things is quite important within a community and in your everyday life. I see the primary house more as an internal compass or the introverted functions we have. I'm a Gryffindor primary too apparently!

Would love to know more about the difference between a Gryffindor Primary with a Slytherin Secondary compared to a Slytherin Primary with a Gryffindor Secondary. I feel like I really could go either way. 

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OK can I just say, that as someone who took the Pottermore quiz five times (to see what would break the tie - I got Ravenclaw thrice and Gryffindor twice) as well as took millions of quizzes over the years and always got either of those two houses, I always assumed I was just another Hermione/McGonagall type and hatstalled between those two houses. And then I read all about Primary and Secondary and Burned and Model Houses and then I took this quiz - and it turns out I'm a Burned Slytherin Primary??? I was so shocked, but also so taken aback by the fact that I finally have the words to describe a pretty defining, nearly traumatic incident in my youth that I've come to realize (within the process of taking this test) defined me so much more than I've thought it did, and Burned Slytherin is just, it to a complete T. This quiz was like a therapy session honestly. (Also it turns out I'm a Ravenclaw Secondary and I'm really content with that, since Ravenclaw does speak to me a lot - and I might even model Hufflepuff Primary and Gryffindor Secondary, which was an intriguing thing to learn and something I want to learn more about). So yeah, wow, thank you for helping me, a very self-reflective introvert, discover something new and vital about herself.

ETA: Wanted to say that, 10 months later, I've taken the quiz again, and I've come out as a Burned Slytherin Primary, a Gryffindor Secondary, and a Ravenclaw Model for both Primary and Secondary, which makes the most sense to me now - and I'm looking forward to taking this again in the future to see if my self-understanding changes again lol! This quiz is always engaging and enlightening.

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hey burned hufflepuff secondary didn't have to come for me that hard. this quiz didn't have to go that hard. you have cut me to my core and i am never going to recover from the mortifying experience of being known
that said, i'm a burned hufflepuff primary and secondary modeling a ravenclaw secondary

and i’m... slytherin primary and secondary, with no doubt 😅 tbh it’s the results i expected, but i kind of thought i might’ve been a hatstall with ravenclaw, but not even, and after reading the different explanations, i agree with that :) i think this test/the reasoning behind it are really accurate, on my way to tumblr to learn more!

ima be a burnt slytherein primary and im proud cuz slytheriens are overlooked and misunderstood cuz of the malfoys tho they changed

I've always felt like a four-way hatstall when taking the Pottermore/Wizarding World quiz. Based on this quiz, I seem to be a Slytherin primary with a Hufflepuff primary model, and a Hufflepuff secondary. Now I'm trying to figure out which of those houses would be my sorting. Any thoughts?

Used to be Gryffindor when I was younger, then recently got Slytherin on pottermore.. although I had ambition and loyalty to my people to a tee, I never felt like I had cunning, since I tend to go all out and in your face .

Turns out im Slytherin primary and Gryffindor secondary.. now I’m proudly rocking my green !!!

same here I thought I was Gryffindor my whole life until literally a month ago where I redid a lot of tests and kept on getting Slytherin now guess im a slytherin primary and burned Ravenclaw secondary

Deleted 103 days ago

I am the exact reverse of you! Hufflepuff primary who models Ravenclaw and a Ravenclaw secondary who models Hufflepuff. I'm a hat stall as well :)

Two years ago I took the pottermore test and had hufflepuff. A few weeks ago I took the pottermore test again and ended up in slytherin, but I kinda wanted ravenclaw, retook the test and still slytherin, so I accepted it and ended up loving my house. However, the description given to me didn't feel all that right, but even when retaking the test, deleting the account and retaking it again, my result never changed.

So I turned to other tests. I was constantly getting slytherin or ravenclaw, and the percentages were always really close, so I didn't understand. Then, I found this test, and thought it looked interesting, and now I know. 

I'm a slytherin primary that models ravenclaw and a secondary ravenclaw that models slytherin and hufflepuff. Pretty cool right? 

Very cool! :)

Back when I had first started getting into Harry Potter, I took the pottermore quiz and got Slytherin. My patronus was a snake, and it ended up with me heavily modeling Slytherin. It felt nice, but it also felt as if I was just “Slytherin” because I liked it, or modeled it, not because it was actually me. Overtime, I burned myself out. I looked at their ideals and wondered if they were really “right,” you know?

It never felt like I was ambitious enough. I had goals, but working towards them seemed tiring to the point I would just. Give up.

Cunning was my favorite, I love using multiple faces depending on who I talked to. At this point, I had thought it was normal. You adapt to your friend groups, use this humor here, and joke about this topic here but never there. But it never felt like cunning. I’m bad at manipulation, other than emotionally pulling a few heart strings here and there with words but I can’t really do it well.

I ended up burning myself, I think. I ended up turning to Hufflepuff. It felt like home, and I fit in with the loyalty but never the hardworking part. Maybe I burned Hufflepuff too.

Then, I ended up finding this quiz. Going thorough the questions made me think a lot more, and the long paragraphs made me understand the difference between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. I never really was a Hufflepuff. It’s cleared up a lot of misunderstandings.

Now I’m a Slytherin primary and secondary with a Hufflepuff primary model. I’m not burned. I’m just a Slytherin and this time I feel like it’s right and “me.” Thank you.

Yes I made an account just so no one would see this fucking long ass comment move along bye.

Very nice, I'm happy for you!

im a Slytherin Primary that models Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw Secondary

Nice quiz, ended up being a Ravenclaw Primary, took a few more questions, ended up being Burnt Ravenclaw Secondary and a Slytherin model

yes, this feels like me

First of all, my brain is literally hot after taking this quiz. Damn this quiz is interesting and overwhelming. After hella lot of thinking and analysing myself I've decided that I'm a Ravenclaw primary with a Gryffindor model. And coming to the secondary I was considered a hat stall. And after a few more questions I was sorted into Hufflepuff secondary who models Slytherin and Gryffindor. But the thing that's had me thinking for days is even though I've got Ravenclaw as primary I think I'm not that much of a witty person but I was told I'm a nerd and I think I'm dumb when it comes to complexity of things. Lol I'm stuck again.

So I took the quiz 

I'm a Hufflepuff through and through which I didn't expect going in because I've always felt like I presented as Ravenclaw and that's always the thing people say when they don't want to assume Hufflepuff. But no I'm a Primary Puff and Secondary Burned Puff (I'm really not that hardworking but I wish I was) 

Wow... When my friend sent this to me, I thought it was gonna be fun "hard" and would "rack my brain", but man she wasn't kidding. I think I just went on a journey of self discovery or something.

I ended up with a Burned Gryffindor Primary with a Gryffindor and Ravenclaw model; and a Burned Ravenclaw Secondary with a Hufflepuff model; and I can't be happier with my results uwu

I always thought other quizzes weren't as accurate, or mostly accurate but I can't really completely agree with the results. But with my results in this, I can say that I'm satisfied uwu I accept being a Ravenclaw now as the official website dubbed me as one XD

Haha, I did so much thinking my brain is fried (in a good way of course).  I'm a burned hufflepuff primary and hufflepuff secondary. This really took me a big insight, and I love everything about this quiz, I just can't exactly put it into words. 

so i’m a slytherin primary and secondary with a gryffindor model. in the midst of figuring out my secondary, i was concluded to be a hat stall. so far, i still do consider myself a hufflepuf. however, even after countless amount of quizzes taken, i’ve always been given slytherin (a few of ravenclaw) so i shall accept it, eventually. i would say this is accurate. 

im a burned hufflepuff primary with a slytherin model, and a burned slytherin secondary. ive always been between slytherin and hufflepuff on official quizzes, and this feels more right then anything else.

Im a burned gryffinor primary and a burned ravenclaw secondary with a *possible* hufflepuff secondry model. Im lowkey sad i didnt get the same for both primary and secondary because i really wanted to know the true house i was in smh. 

So aapparently I'm a burnt out Slytherin primary, a burnt out Hufflepuff secondary, with a Ravenclaw model. This quiz really surprised me. I've taken tons of quizzes but I've always felt dissatisfied. This quiz though is scarily accurate. This really does feel like me!


Why is it stated in there that I am a Slytherin primary and a Slytherin secondary? I mean I know I'm Slytherin through and through but is it normal to have only one house as primary and secondary??


Yup! Having the same house for both is just as normal as having different houses for primary and secondary

i got Ravenclaw Primary  and Hufflepuff secondary


Slytherin primary and Gryffindor secondary

Apparently I am a burnt out Ravenclaw Primary, burnt out Slytherin Secondary, and a Gryffindor model. I thought I was a Ravenpuff, but I was clearly wrong!

Slytherin Primary with Ravenclaw Primary model/Slytherin Secondary with Ravenclaw Secondary model with possible Gryffindor model in both Primary and Secondary 

cool, would recommend

Gryffindor// Gryffindor, with a Ravenclaw primary model. This is by far the most accurate quiz I've taken.

Ravenclaw/Ravenclaw, with a Hufflepuff secondary model. Feels right to me.

gryffindor primary/hufflepuff secondary with possible ravenclaw model... or maybe I just collect information and skills because of ADD hyperfixation


i'm a gryffindor primary/slytherin secondary with gryffindor model, which just... wow. i always thought i was a hufflepuff, because i want to help people and be kind, to the point that i retook the pottermore test once a couple years ago and was infuriated when i got gryffindor because "that's CLEARLY incorrect how dare this quiz insinuate such things", but reading this?? holy shit. i want to do the right thing more than anything, i'm outspoken about things i believe in, and i want people to think of me as someone who's honest and principled and kind, but i also definitely have "faces" and have no issue being flexible and presenting in different ways to get what i want out of a situation, and drop those fronts and let myself be blunt and honest without worrying about hurting people when i'm comfortable. damn. and the most surprising thing is that i don't model hufflepuff at all! i definitely think hard work is valuable, but i'm realizing now that i value it because it speaks to the gryffindor/slytherin combo that tells me that hard work is important in order to open doors and prove my devotion/commitment to my beliefs rather than "work is important for its own sake", which is the puff perspective. this is SO COOL. i'm going to make my sister (who is tied very strongly to a slytherin identity) take this and see what she gets.

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Just got the same results. Gryffindor Primary, Slytherin Secondary with Gryffindor Secondary model. I was also surprised there was no Hufflepuff in there for me either as I am very people orientated and the unfairness/injustice of people and animals really gets me going and I always stand up for the small guy. But it does make a bit more sense now when the description of the community as a whole is deeply rooted in Hufflepuff as I am so much more of a small group people kind of person. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, but that doesn't mean I just outright trust them from the start. 

Curious as to what your enneagram number is or your Meyers Briggs if you're willing to share? I know it doesn't necessarily mean anything in comparison to this test, but I'm always curious about that. 

I'm a 9w8 self-preservation/one on one enneagram type and go back and forth between INFJ and ISFJ for Meyers Briggs.

Also curious as to what house you identify with if you chose your 'main' house.


I'm a Gryffindor primary (And I model Slytherin) and a Slytherin secondary (MODDELING GRYFFINDOR!!) I mean... It's really just so me but what?!?!

Would love to know what modeling Gryffindor in your primary would look like. Otherwise, my results are the same. Gryffindor primary, Slytherin secondary with Gryffindor secondary model.  It suggested a Slytherin model for my primary, but I just couldn't tell if it made sense for me or not. 

Also curious as to what house you identify with if you chose your 'main' house.

 a Gryffindor Primary and a Burned Hufflepuff Secondary

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epic gamer moment when youre a ravenclaw primary, like SUCH a ravenclaw primary, and a burned slytherin secondary, and youre modelling gryffindor in both your primary n secondary. i know perfectly well innately im not gryffindor it just fits with my Image n i think its cool so i generally tell people im gryffindor whoops

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reading about ravenclaw primaries like wow holy shit this is just me this is exactly me.  i have almost never felt more understood. i will now become obsessed with and unhealthily fixate on this personality typing system like the true ravenclaw primary enneagram 6w5 i am <3 i love it here

hahaha when you're a burned Gryffindor Primary and Secondary, and your Secondary is modeling Slytherin. the amount of trauma I am impressed

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